Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Being "Fair Weathered" Isn't Just for Liberals Anymore

I recently had an interesting argument with my cousin revolving around ex-President Bush, the War in Iraq and our new President, Barak Obama.

Here's the set-up:
My cousin is a professed Born Again "Christian," and also a self-proclaimed "Conservative" and he says as much on his Facebook site. In the vast rush of Facebook "updates," "Wall comments," "little green patches," and group "invites," that he has sent, I've never seen anything remotely resembling an anti-war statement. What I have received are statements like "God Bless The Troops" and video links on Creationism.

Now, being a rather left-of-center dude who is relishing in the current demise of neo-cons, I naturally confront him on his Christian Conservative support for Bush and the War effort. I want to stick the knife in...and deep! However, I am utterly astonished to hear him say, "When have I ever supported George Bush? When have I ever supported the War? How do you think Barak Obama got elected if not with our votes?"

And then I start to realize that, all of sudden, he's not alone! There are now millions of Christians and Conservatives saying exactly the same thing! I hear it daily on the news and in discussions and blogs, the CC's distancing themselves from the War and the Cheney/Rove agenda. My God! What a turn of events! Amazing Grace! Divine intervention-

Naw....it's just the latest evolution in politics. Apparently being fair-weathered isn't just for Liberals anymore.

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