Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I blew myself up in 2 seconds: It's NOT FUNNY

I took quite a break from writing about the explosion for several months. Mainly, life has had other things in mind for me and I'm a fickle writer by nature. I go through periods of inspiration and periods of writing insomnia.

However, I also stopped writing for awhile because I wanted to seriously consider whether or not my story could be hurtful to others who are burn victims. Gone are the days when I could give two-shits about what I said or did in the name of brutal honesty. The question here is not whether I want to be honest (I am honest), but whether or not I'm writing for the right reasons.

There was another man who did exactly what I did. I read about him back this past Summer. Unfortunately, he had burns over 80% of his body while I was lucky enough to only burn about 15% of mine. I wonder is someone who has had their face burned off would read my story and feel angry or hurt because I can take such a cerebral view of what happened to me. Would I write the same, find the humor and surreality in it all if I had burned my hands, face or penis off? No, I imagine it would be different. But at the end of the day I only have my experience. I imagine, being who I am, I would probably continue to find those same characteristics regardless of the severity of the experience.

I started writing this Blog because NOWHERE could I find any support for burn-victims with medium burns like me. I know it must exist and I did find a few sites but no support groups, no blogs, etc.. No, I didn't burn my face off and my heart goes out to those folks with serious, serious burns. I can only say that no matter what a person's tradgedy, it ultimately becomes their strength.

Stay Tuned: Next time I tell about the one-time changing of all bandages and the staple that got stuck in my wrist.

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