Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Blew Myself Up: It's been one year

I am taking a break from the narrative story of my accident to give this one year anniversary update.

I blew myself up in two seconds on March 23rd 2008. It was a very strange time for me and I had spent the previous 365 days struggling with most aspects of my life. Several times that year I was on the verge of nervous breakdowns. I had challenges making decisions and healthy choices. I was challenged by my ego and my lust for over stimulation. I was challenged by my perceptions of relationships and friendships and by my sense of self-worth.

Though I made many mistakes, I made 3 very good decisions that year. One was to sever an intimate relationship with a girlfriend who deserved more than I could offer at that time. Another decision was to sever a friendship with  my band-mate of 15 years. The third decision was to leave an upwardly mobile job in order to simplify my life and refocus on figuring out what is important to me. Once all three decisions had been made, on March 23rd, 2008, I blew myself up.

Interestingly enough, in the Hindu religion (though I am not Hindu), there are 7 primary Chakras or "energy" locations on the body. Each Chakra has an associated set of motivational behaviors. The 3rd Chakra of the body is located in the naval section and corresponds to the human motivations of desire, ego, and struggle to make life better. The 4th Chakra is located in the heart section and corresponds to the human motivation to achieve balance. The fact that the bodily damage from my accident was centered from my navel to my heart (where I now have newly grafted skin) and came at a time when I was struggling with the human motivations corresponding to these Chakras is...well... interesting.

I am happy to be alive with all my faculties and organs in place. I have always had a knack for losing just enough to show me what I have. Everyone should be so lucky.


  1. I can say that I am happy you survived as well. Selfishly, I can't and don't want to imagine my life without you in it.

  2. same here. i honestly can't even fathom what the last 9 months of my life would've been like if I hadn't met you. i thank god, the universe, dr neil ;) ... whoever is responsible for bringing us together. we are both very lucky people.

  3. Sounds like the purifying fire is helping your divine self emerge more fully. That's a beautiful thing.
